Thursday, February 23, 2012

Glendale Hts. says goodbye to trustee.(News)

Frustration, sentiment and gratitude were just a few emotions that traveled across Glendale Heights' village board Thursday night as officials recognized Trustee Jim Fiore's work throughout the past four years.
Mayor Linda Jackson complimented Fiore, but also publicly condemned any false information that Fiore's challenger, Scott Kibort, may have documented in fliers during his campaign. After Kibort's fourth time running for District 3 trustee, he finally was voted in, beating Fiore on April 17.
"This entire board was insulted by the literature that went out that talked about bringing honesty and integrity back to this village board," Jackson said. "Honesty and integrity never left this town, and when you sit up here, you're going to find out nobody up here is lying.
"We're very proud of the work that we do in this town," she said. "Any residents that think there's anything funny going on ... come in and we'll show you anything you want. We do the best we can with what we have."
Kibort didn't speak up during the meeting, but said in conversation he's still looking forward to serving as a trustee, regardless of comments from board members.
"I knew (working with some board members) was going to be tough, but I was giving them the benefit of the doubt," he said. "I've shown that I can work around this."
Trustee Chester Pojack commended Fiore for running a clean campaign, and others wished him good luck in the future.
Trustee Mary Schroeder agreed, but also welcomed Kibort.
"This board is always going to cooperate, no matter who gets elected," she said. "We're going to welcome whoever comes into this board, and we're going to be sorry no matter who leaves."
Kibort will be appointed to the Glendale Heights village board once the county's election commission sends the village official results, Village Clerk JoAnn Borysiewicz said.

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