Monday, February 20, 2012

Arlington Hts. commission finds 16 spots for skate park.(News)

Like a rider shoving off from a ramp's top, the movement to build a skating park in Arlington Heights is gathering momentum. 

The Arlington Heights Youth Commission's skating committee has identified 16 sites throughout the village that could serve as potential skate parks. 

Because most of them are in Arlington Heights Park District parks, Youth Commission members agreed Thursday the time has come to approach the district about building a skating facility. 

Skating committee members - most of whom are school-age skateboard and in-line skating enthusiasts - will address the park district's board of commissioners Tuesday night. 

Their presentation will cover the possibility of building "mini" skating areas in existing parks, and include detailed descriptions of what features are desired at each potential site, Youth Commission Chairwoman Kathy Scortino said. 

"The logical place to start is with the park district," she said. 

On Tuesday, skating committee members outlined their goals: one main, full-feature, centrally located skate park and several "mini" parks that would offer one or two features, or a street course. 

Committee members also identified the Hill-Behan property, just north of Arlington Heights Village Hall, as a potential site for the main park, and documented 15 park district or Arlington Heights Elementary District 25 sites as possible mini parks. 

The skating committee was formed in September, when almost 50 elementary and high school-age students came to a commission meeting and volunteered to help design and build a park. 

Youth commissioners seemed split Thursday night on whether to seek the main facility or mini parks first. 

"My thought safety-wise, security-wise and supervision-wise is that a main site is very important," Scortino said. 

Commissioner Bill Maves argued mini sites could be up and running before school lets out in June. 

"As we all know, the central site is not going to be built by June 1," he said.

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